A few weeks ago we covered the case of Aladin Nassar from California exposing Islamist abuses and corruption in his local mosque via Now, other community insiders are calling out corruption. only this time, topless selfies are involved rather than financial shenanigans and vote-rigging. Plus, this scandal is national – with one of the most prominent young salafi preacher Nouman Ali Khan exposed on Facebook in an Anthony Weiner type of sex scandal.

Who Is Salafi Preacher Nouman Ali Khan

If you haven’t heard of him before, meet Salafi Preacher Nouman Ali Khan, the Dallas-based super Salafangelist, once listed among the Top 500 Most Influential Muslims. The divorced father of seven children has allegedly been caught engaging in inappropriate conduct with several women. As Muslim Matters put it:

If you don’t know who he is, don’t worry. Two million followers on Facebook do. as do hundreds of thousands of students who benefited from Bayyinah Institute. It is one of the most well-respected Arabic Studies institutions in the United States. Nouman Ali Khan is its founder and CEO.

Salafi Preacher Outed On Facebook

On September 21, Khan was outed by Omer Mozaffar, Loyoyla’s Muslim Chaplain of and adjunct professor of Islamic Studies, in a Facebook post that got over 2500 comments in the first 24 hours after its posting.

I have been working on a case regarding my friend of twenty years, Nouman Ali Khan. He confessed inappropriate interactions with various women, violating agreed-upon bounds of Islamic law. He also told lies to cover up those relationships, and filed threats of litigation against multiple parties to further hide his misconduct..

Canadian Preacher Piles Up

Then prominent Canadian preacher Navaid Aziz piled up on Mozaffar’s accusations stating in a Facebook post that it had been “verified by multiple people, and some of them have even been confessed by him”.

Nouman Ali Khan’s Defense

Salafi Preacher Nouman Ali Khan hit back the following day, denying all charges of inappropriate behavior flatly in a Facebook post:

“ Some individuals, unfortunately, have taken it upon themselves to pull matters out of my personal life, take them out of context, manipulate the facts and present a narrative using these distortions to fulfill their own agenda.” 

Noman Ali Khan: “I Was Looking For A Wife”

Khan proceeded to explain that as a divorce he had indeed sought to remarry:

I did in fact pursue remarriage with the help of my family. Along that process I communicated with a few prospects with my family’s knowledge and consent and that has been used, distorted and manipulated way out of proportion and turned into something it isn’t. All such communications took place between consenting adults and there was nothing malicious or predatory about them.

Khan went further in a later post to attempt to remove any doubts about himself taking advantage of women. Published 4 hours after his first statement, he offered to face his alleged victims:

As I made clear in my statement I believe the interactions in question were based on mutual consent and there was no questionable intent behind them. If there are parties who feel otherwise and feel victimized, I am ready and willing to listen to them, be it though arbiters of their choice, attorneys and senior trusted members of the community..

Compromising Leak Online

Then, suddenly, a website called popped up with screenshots of his inappropriate Whats App conversations and text-messages, including half-naked photos. For unexplained reasons – perhaps a technical attack – the website going offline and now just offers a 404 error message. But the full collection of screenshots was preserved by “the Skeptic Desi” Blog.

Salafi Preacher & Serial Womanizer

The screenshots shown are said to be from three women: an employee of Khan’s Bayyinah Institute, a conference volunteer, and a conference attendee. The impression one gets from the screenshots is that Khan is a serial womanizer soliciting amorous liaisons wherever he goes, including married women.

Hush Money And Threats of Legal Action

It’s hard to know the truth from the screenshots. it appears one of the women targeted by Salafi Preacher Nouman Ali Khan let out the secret of her illicit liaison with the Salafangelist.

Khan, fearing that this revelation could be the end of him, frantically tried to calm the women denying any misconduct. He then threatened legal action hoping to make the scandal go away. As the screenshots show, he appears to have tried to silence another women with money — likely in Britain as the receipt shows the transaction conducted in Pound Sterling.

Since the screenshots went online, Salafi Preacher Nouman Khan has been remarkably silent on social media.

Breaking The Silence On Misogyny

It appears that community insiders who see misogyny, corruption, abuse and hypocrisy are no longer prepared to stay silent. Islamist clerics like Salafi Preacher Nouman Ali Khan have been pulling crap like this with impressionable women in our community for years. They have been abusing their positions to take advantage of vulnerable women. However, now their freedom to prey on young women is receding. It’s about time.


  1. Was the title meant to titillate? If I wanted a man that’s exactly how I would like him to talk to me, a real man who knows what a woman wants to hear.

    As for being a judge of his private life, calling him a womanizer for “messaging” just three consenting women, claiming him to be half-naked for revealing his shoulders when he is allowed to reveal all the way to his navel when did you take on Allah’s role?

    I ask what your spiritual rewards are from the time and space you have dedicated to slandering a Muslim about matters that are his private life? May Allah guide you to realize the foolishness and seriousness of your action and protect you from having your own private life and mistakes that you certainly make available for public viewing.

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  1. Shocking Claim of Rape Lodged against Tariq Ramadan, the West’s Leading Islamist Intellectual: “A Perverted Guru Who Uses Religion to Manipulate Women” – Mukashafat

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